The Way of The Witch
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Past Life Regression Therapy sessions are available either in-person or online.
Alchemical Healing sessions are conducted exclusively in-person.

In the Salt Lake City area, see me in-person at:
2469 E. Fort Union Blvd. Suite 106-B
Cottonwood Heights
*By appointment only.

Join The Way of The Witch family--sign up for my newsletter for more in-depth discussions on earth based spiritual practices and magical living, and be the first to know about upcoming announcements and events!


08/30/24- The Dragon's Blood plant focus arctile from my July newsletter is now available in the archives. Learn about the origin, history, and uses for this magical herb here.

03/02/23- My channeled message from the beloved Celtic goddess Brighid is now available in the newsletter archives. You can also access this message here.

02/02/23- Blessings on this beautiful Imbolc Sabbat! If you'd like to learn more about the history and celebration of Imbolc, take at look at this article from my newsletter archives.  

12/20/22- Solstice Blessings! Try my favorite homemade, geo-energetically infused wassail recipe at your next holiday celebration.

09/13/22- Does the Dragonfly have a message for you? Follow this link to learn more about this transformative animal totem.

05/29/2022- Personalized Aura Snapshots and alchemical healing sessions are now available in the Salt Lake City area. Click on the booking link at the top of this page to schedule an appointment.

09/22/2021- Mabon blessings! Today we usher in another magical fall season. If you'd like to learn more about the celebration and history of Mabon, check out this article in our newsletter archives.

12/21/2020- Blessed Yule! As we gather in celebration on this historic Solstice aligned with the Great Conjunction, join me in spirit to harness the powerful energy of this night and assist in the awakening of our collective spiritual slumber. A ritual mantra for today's celebration-Divine am I. Awakened am I. Aligned with truth and power am I.
---And so it is!

Follow this link to access my channeled message from the goddess Athene (Athena), originally posted in our february newsletter.

Discover your personal Native American Medicine Wheel Totems and Affiliations according to your birthdate, available now in our newsletter archives.

Intending Mabon blessings to all on this beautiful fall equinox!

The Mouse animal totem page can now be accessed in our archives!

November's full moon is fast approaching on Tuesday the 12th. Known as the mourning moon, it is the perfect time to harness the powerful, introspective shadow energy of fall & honor our Crone wisdom in ritual. Embrace the dark as well as the light & create consciously!

Connect with the goddess of wealth and abundance.  Our recent newsletter article "Invoking Abundantia" is now available in the newsletter archives!

5/1/2019- It's May Day! Wishing a magical Beltane celebration to all!  

12/21/2018- We welcome the return of the Sun! Joyous Yule celebrations on this longest night!

12/03/2018- You can now access the Spotlight on Rosehips article featured in our fall newsletter through the website archives!

Learn to communicate with the animals in your life! Take a look at our animal communication practice, now available in the newsletter archives.

The 5 elements correspondence list from last fall's newsletter about creating sacred space is now available in our newsletter archives. Use it as a reference guide to help promote balance and higher-virational energy in every area of your life!

02/02/2018 -
Embrace this magical time of awakening and align your energy with the infinite possibilities that come with new beginnings. Have a blessed and beautiful Imbolc!

Welcome fall with this simple yet effective exercise to align with the seasons, available in our newsletter archives.

Learn to develop and improve your higher senses with these articles from our January newsletter, available in The Way of The Witch archives. Clairsentience  Clairaudience  Clairvoyance   Claircognizants

Today we celebrate the festival of Ostara. To learn more about this Sabbat, click here.

Light some candles and celebrate as we welcome the maiden's return.  Have a blessed Imbolc!

We welcome the return of the sun under a beautiful waxing moon. Joyous Yule!

It's about time! We are now on instagram! Follow me there @thewayofthewitch
Also, the color breathing exercise from our summer newsletter can now be accessed in the newsletter archives. Enjoy!

Enjoy your summer solstice celebration under this very auspicious full moon in Sagittarious.  Let's use the energy of this powerfully charged time to call forth peace, joy, abundance, acceptance and love for all!

The Channeling session from our most recent newsletter is now available in the newsletter archives. If you feel guided to read this message, you can do so here.

This year we celebrate Ostara on Sunday, the 20th of March. Not only is this the Spring Equinox, but it is also International Astrology day, Palm Sunday, and the day that the sun enters Aries.  I’m thinking that we can all find a reason to celebrate! Join me in spirit for a 10 minute gratitude meditation at 9 am pacific time this Sunday for the perfect beginning to a joyous celebration.

Have a joyous and peaceful Yule!

Connect with the power of the serpent. Our September newsletter article "A message from the snake", is now available in the newsletter archives.

Blessings to all on this beautiful Mabon! Here's a link to an article from our newletter archives if you'd like to know more about this celebraton: The History of Mabon

Don't forget to ground, center, and access the energy of today's Blue Moon. We will not experience another Blue Moon until 2018, making it especially prudent to connect with this unique astrological event. This moon, along with Venus and several other planets in retrograde, remind us to slow down and be conscious of the lessons we've been given, especially those pertaining to relationships. We can take this opportunity to gain clarity so that we may move forward consciously when the time is right.

Enjoy these two articles from our March newsletter, now also available in the newsletter archives.
A message from the Hare
Plant focus: Honeysuckle

Today's solar eclipse, new moon, and spring equinox come together to create a powerful energy vortex. Take advantage of this awesome vibrational shift by doing some body and/or Earth-healing rituals. Also be sure to join The Way of The Witch family tomorrow, March 21st at 11:00 am pacific time, for a 10 minute gratitude meditation and intention session. Here is the mantra we will be speaking, or feel free to speak love and light intetions of your own!

“Gratitude and joy we bring to Mother Earth in all her forms.  One in spirit are we all.”
Blessed be

9/22/14-Happy Fall! Have a blessed and bountiful Mabon!

Enjoy tonight's beautiful Harvest Supermoon. This is a most auspicious time to commune with the nature faeiries and harness this powerful lunar energy to bring about and celebrate abundance!

We are one with all that is
and together we create all that will become...

© 2021 All rights reserved.
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