The Way of The Witch
Discover Your Magic
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About The Way of The Witch | Learn conscious living | Create abundance


To walk the way of the witch is to live consciously and in balance with all energies and beings, both seen and unseen, who inhabit our Mother Earth. Working in harmony with the energies around you, you can shape your life and create your path, ever awakening to the powerful being you are destined to remember.
This site was created to empower you with skills to advance your psychic development, connect with your innate healing abilities, and reintegrate with your higher knowing. It is my goal and passion to help you live your most fulfilled life, to return to your natural state of being which is health and perfect balance, and to consciously create the life that you choose to live.

The topics covered here are merely introductions to a broader depth of information. I honor each individual's unique path and strongly believe that you must trust your inner knowing above all else. And so, I invite you to navigate these pages, to take what presents itself as wisdom to you at this time and leave what does not.



Tova is a certified Alchemical Healer, Hypnosis Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher, Clairsentient, and Herbalist who has worked with clients both individually and through workshops for the past 20+ years. During her professional practice she has developed a unique healing modality and intuitive advancement system which are a culmination of the many techniques she has trained in, combined with ongoing direction and insight from her spirit guides.


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