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The Way of The Witch Newsletter | Invoking Abundantia

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Invoking Abundantia

Abundantia is the Norse and Roman goddess of prosperity and abundance. As her name implies, she brings a surplus of wealth and good fortune to those who connect with her powerful energy. She carries with her a cornucopia, overflowing with gifts to imbue upon all she meets. She comes swiftly to those who invoke her, eagerly awaiting opportunities to share her abundance.

Connecting with abundantia is joyful, as she brings with her an energy of optimism and inspiration.

She asks to share this message:
"You are powerful, creative beings who are surrounded by all that you need to thrive. You live in a society where wealth and plenty have taken on many negative connotations as greed and power have created trauma around the energy of riches and abundance. Because of this many of you hold energetic blocks, sometimes carried through multiple incarnations, that stop you from creating and receiving the consistent flow of abundance that is your birthright. I am here to assist you in clearing these blocks and illuminating the paths of abundance in all its forms. The more you have, the more you are able to give freely of your time, your talents, and your resources to assist in lifting others and creating prosperity for all. Call on me from your heart-space of highest intentions and we will walk together into a new vibration of wealth that serves not just one, but all."  

Invocation for Abundantia:
"Abundantia, I call you here to ask for your gifts and your guidance. I request your assistance as I release any and all blocks, trauma fields, contracts, beliefs, or attachments that I carry which keep me from manifesting and enjoying a constant flow of abundance. In gratitude I create and receive prosperity and joyful abundance in all its forms. Thank you. And so it is."  

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