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The Way of The Witch Newsletter | Plant Focus: Dragon's Blood

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Plant Focus: Dragon's Blood

Scientific name:
Daemonorops Draco

Planetary correspondence: Mars/Pluto/The Asteroid’s

Corresponding element: Fire

Description: An evergreen climbing palm producing a cluster of unbranched stems, climbing to a height of 12 meters.

Parts used: Resin

Habitat: Dragon's Blood grows primarily in moist, lowland tropical areas of Southeast Asia - Thailand to Indonesia. It grows vigorously in rainforests especially where roots are shaded but the canopy receives some sunlight.

History & folklore: Also known as Sangre de Drago or Sangre de Grado in Amazonia and South America, the blood red resin from the Daemonorops Draco tree has a long history of use by indigenous people of the rain forests. Additionally it was mentioned by Pliny the Elder (AD 23 - 79) in his Encyclopedia Naturalis Historia, and the Egyptians are said to have used it as both a dye for cloth and mumification purposes. In Hindu mythology the incense was believed to cleanse a person from sin, while in China the tree was believed to extend the lifespan of those who used it.


Medicinal uses: Dragon's Blood resin is both astringent and stimulant and though less commonly used internally at present, it is purported to relieve menstrual irregularities, chest pain, and internal trauma from injuries. The sap has also been painted on wounds, utilizing its anti-viral properties to promote healing and prevent infections. *Do not take internally except under the supervision of an herbalist or medical professional

Magical/Energetic uses: As a powerful protection herb, Dragon's Blood can be used in spell work to banish negative energies and entities. It is also effectively used for purification and consecration. The resin can be burned on charcoal as incense, and when added to other ingredients it will increase potency of the formula. Use carefully when adding the resin to oils or baths, as its bright red color may stain skin and enamel.

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